Price is located below the moving average.Take profit or exit whenever the No Repaint indicator provides opposite arrow or use your own method of trade exit.Set stop loss a few pips below the last swing low of the market.Buy trade is triggered after the above conditions are met.Price swings higher from recent low swing.No Repaint indicator provides buy arrow.Price is located above the moving average.That way we only trade in the direction of the main trend and provided signals are much less noisy. This is partially true, but suggest adding a filter in the form of, for example, the 50-period Exponential Moving Average. At the first glance, it may look that there are too many arrows displayed. The No Repaint Indicator provides buy/sell arrows as trading signals. How does it work? How to apply in trading?

Feel free to experiment with the settings and parameters to fit your personal preferences. The default settings can be modified directly from the input tab. It is displayed directly on the main trading chart. The No Repaint Indicator fits all kinds of timeframes and currency pairs. Speaking about trading signals – that forex no repaint indicator displays buy/sell arrows. Thus, this is a huge advantage for many traders, as they can rely on solid and accurate indicator that can be easily backtested. It means that it doesn’t change the provided trading signals. The No Repaint Indicator is, as the name suggests, forex no repaint indicator.